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Resetting your MOSN BBS Password

Posted: Sun May 01, 2022 1:49 pm
by DwightKitchens
I just attempted to reset my own password. I forgot mine! The system gives me a temporary password by e-mail. It may take a minute for this e-mail to reach the e-mail account.

Using the temporary password provided in the reset e-mail message to gain access, the temporary password can be reset to something else by going to the User Control Panel:
Change Password #1.jpg
Change Password #1.jpg (22.88 KiB) Viewed 1379 times

Then, click Profile tab, followed by Edit Account Settings (fourth option on left).

Change Password #2.jpg
Change Password #2.jpg (37.37 KiB) Viewed 1379 times
Now, type in the desired password, confirm it by typing it again, and then paste in the temporary password provided in the reset e-mail message in the Current password block. Click Submit and the new password should be effective.

Change Password #3.jpg
Change Password #3.jpg (78.28 KiB) Viewed 1379 times

Of course, anyone can call me about their account and I can manually reset a password as well.

Dwight Kitchens - Phone: 863-984-4564